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Virtual Reality

Ongoing | Product Development

Indigenous Tourism Ontario relies on Immersive Technology such as Virtual Reality to engage consumers globally by showcasing Indigenous tourism opportunities remotely.

VR technology creates immersive computer-generated environments that make users feel as though they are truly present in the virtual world.

ITO offers a range of VR experiences that can be showcased through VR headsets. These experiences include a variety of captivating destinations and activities, such as the Manitoulin Hotel and Conference Centre VR Experience, Wiikwemikong Tourism VR Experience, Traditional Crafting, Ice Fishing and Traditional Netting, and many more.

Membership Project Description

Becoming a member of Indigenous Tourism Ontario (ITO) would provide you with a valuable opportunity to create Virtual Reality (VR) experiences. VR technology creates immersive computer-generated environments that make users feel as though they are truly present in the virtual world.

By joining ITO, you gain access to a platform that allows you to showcase your unique offerings through the power of virtual reality, providing an excellent revenue-generating opportunity for ITO members. Additionally, ITO has partnered with ORIGINS VR to ensure the technical expertise and high-quality production of VR products.

By becoming a member of ITO, you can leverage the potential of VR technology to create immersive and unforgettable experiences that will attract visitors and generate revenue for your Indigenous tourism business.